"When all is said and done, Tiger, we'll either hold fast to the truth, or we'll face the consequences."
- Dr. Noebel, President, Summit Ministries

Saturday, June 6, 2009


THIS is the guy i tripped over. he was warming up to spike during sports time.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

i know i haven't blogged in like two weeks. ugh. sorry. here are some things you missed:
  1. i hurt my arm. we were playing this game called murder in the dark. it is like mafia but you actually run around in the dark either killing or getting killed. so i saw the murderer kill someone and start to come for me so i run down the dark hallway yelling "MURDER IN THE DARK!!" what i didn't see was russell dead on the ground. so fell over him and onto my arm. he said i kicked him where it hurts, but i ended up hurt instead. so i still can't straighten it. i think i sprained it. didn't get an xray cause i don't want a cast. not sure it would look right with the bridesmaid dress.
  2. Air Force Academy graduation. i got to go! Jen asked me if i wanted to and i said oooh yeah. it was awesome! over 1,000 graduates. a lot of names. joe biden spoke.... he wasn't too impressive. but the THUNDERBIRDS WERE AWESOME!!! like for real. if you ever get the chance to see them don't miss it!!!
  3. session 2 is halfway over. there are THREE clemson students here!!!!!!!!! i only knew sarah was coming, but there are two other guys! all rising sophomores. this session has been fun! but a lot messier than session 1. they seem to throw food everywhere.
  4. i make desserts. today was carrot cake. i really love baking and just cooking in general. maybe i should have gone to culinary school...
  5. baseball. clemson made the super regionals!! but they are playing Arizona State University. three ASU guys are on summer staff and their team is really good. games are tomorrow and sunday. hopefully we won't make fools of ourselves! but anyway. they are trying to get all their friends to wear ASU shirts tomorrow so me and Christy are trying to get people to wear clemson shirts or just orange tomorrow.
  6. day off. i had a day off wednesday. i went to lunch at a local italian place with Jason and Tenley and then we went and saw UP. which made me laugh and cry. ryan dobson also spoke on wednesday and he was hilarous.
  7. newspring. this past week's message read me like a book! and the music was awesome. that song all the way my savior leads me has been on my mind all week! i encourage you to go watch it www.newspring.cc
  8. videochat. did you know i can videochat? yes i can. so chat me up cause i miss you. skype: kristin.ashley
  9. friends going to work at camps. summersalt starts soon! and so does crossroads! and that camp evan is working at! sorry i don't remember the name. so many friends going to serve and give of their time and talents this summer. pray for them.
  10. RUTH IS GETTING MARRIED TWO WEEKS FROM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you girl and i'm so excited for you :) send me those pics!